Words (part three)
Sick, worried, doctors, no, doctors, no, DOCTORS, ok, e-coli, antibiotics, sick, fever, ill, worried, crazy, pajamas, laptop, airport, here.
Sign, jacket, supplies, smiling, holding, trembling, holding, go, car, cigarette, kisses, holding, orange juice, nuts, pay parking, drive, tiny roads, countryside, too small, driving, smiling, talking, real estate, smiling, driving, castle. French, sunscreen, hats, annoying, tickets, swan, hissing, protective, don’t walk on the grass, castle, don’t touch, touch, look, read, awe, love you, walking, peering, calling from window, annoying people, smiling, laughing, don’t touch, touching, torture, leg brace, interesting, feeling better, smiles.
Outside, sunshine, walking, maze, laughing, competitive, center, exit, walking, holding, swinging, springing, grinning, bliss. River, bench, talking, smoking, touching, touching, kissing, touching, people, aliens, blanket politics, annoying children, people falling talking, laughing, bubble, kissing, legs on legs, flirting, bush, throw, no, gay guys, statue, Italian garden, feeling urgent, pictures for Mom, stay off the grass, exit, old church, pub. Bathroom, weird, bar, drinks, garden, entwined, smoking, kissing, urgent, car. Car, car, hot, oh my god, hot, staff, people, privacy glass, seats down, tampon, window, Fuuck, mess, tidy, pictures, loving, driving, need auto, bad girl, traffic, hotel, parked.
Hotel, 315, same, more stains, drinks at window, loving, Spar, my people, room, salad, eating, great, feeling better, oh my god, talking, oh my god, happy, bliss.
Work, nervous, actually easy, meeting, poor organisation, good performance, cheap skate, all gone, company, exploring, random, roll eyes, laughing, bad pub, risk e-coli, nice place, river, food, company, smiles, gin, bill, no, yes, no. Walk, train, bye company, smiles, Spar, room, great, talk, smile, flirt, fun, grinning, oh my god, drinking, oh my god, music, oh my god, late, smoking, tiny sleep, alarm, bumping, showering, coffee, towels, laughing, walk.
Work, tired, boring, stay awake, stay awake, walking, smiling, talking, work, boring, stay awake, bye everyone, hotel. drinks, smiling, laughing, flirting, out. fabulous, loving, walking, homeless, good food, smiling, holding, walking, smoking, waterfowl, pictures, laughing, feeding, squealing, grinning, love you, walking, holding, dark park, light, train, no, bar, train, store, laughing, shopping, gas station, nervous walking, hotel, drinks, drinks, dancing, playing, talking, late,oh my god, oh my god, love you. morning, wtf, sleeping, blog talking, snoring, twice, enjoy, beautiful. Train, fast trains, nervous, holding, train, drinks, bikes, bikes, pub, architecture, awe, loving, talking walking, sad, holding, walking, pointing, wedding, photos, bridge, people, talking laughing, hungry, pub, no, sad, other pub, talking, interesting, walking, hungry, amazing find, poor service, good food, holding hands, pub. Station, late, train, delayed, worried, arrived, store, walking, trouble, avoided, hotel, drinks, talking, dancing, flirting, serious, cigarettes, late, drinking, too much, sad, sad, ouch.
Alarm, really, oh my gosh, showering, packing, checking out, rushing, driving, red bull, talking, radio, annoying, driving, stroking, traffic, stroking, sadness. Parked, check-in, love is blind, our corner, holding, sad, ouch, crying, ouch, pain, bye.
Gone, love you, driving, traffic, services, coffee, gin, trash can, crying, bye baby, bye, need you, want you, be with me, numb.