White Noise
The sound of static interference, between channels on an old analogue TV set, the random white, grey nothingness on the screen, the sound of an analogue radio on the wrong frequency, sssshhhh. Often considering the sound of void, of nothingness but much like white light being all colours together, unfiltered, so is white noise. Not the absence of noise, but the fusion of every audible sound played in a random sequence.
Listening to the sea shore, waves breaking gently on the sand, this too is white noise, crasshh, hiss, woosshh, crasshh, rhythmic, soothing, calming, meditative, not void. Every waking moment without her feels like I am floating in white noise, nowhere and everywhere at the same time, with her across the distance. Holding her hand, stroking her hair, holding her tight, her head on my chest, feeling the warmth of her body close to mine.
Normal life and communication are like sound filtered by the white noise, people speak and I vaguely notice their lips moving, hazily aware at some level that I should be concentrating on the words just in case I am expected to reply. To be honest I really don’t care but my subconscious suggests I should be courteous at least. I don’t care, I’m lost in the white noise like an infinite comfort blanket, suppressing the world around me and transporting me to her. Blisss.
Lost in my blisss, the visible world becomes a blur, I see her in everything I see and do. Seeing things I know she’d smirk at, looking at random people and seeing nothing but her, she’s everywhere for me even when she’s not. I feel numb to the world, things affect me less, no extremes of emotion, a numbness for anything that isn’t her, when we speak, the lights come on, the TV and radio tune in, super clear, hi fidelity, crisp. We talk and plan, plot and fantasize, shit is getting real and we know it. I’m powerless right now otherwise I’d be on the next plane. Need to be with her in real life, bring the picture back into focus permanently.
The thought of waves crashing turn my thoughts elsewhere, the infinite hidden power of the ocean, swelling and rolling only perceptible when it meets the shore, slow crashing, pounding, receding, rolling, crashing, receding. Firm, controlled, rhythmic, the power behind it held back, only released during the height of a storm. This represents our passion to me, being with her, our bodies moving together, powered by our own ocean of desire, our souls tumbling in the rolling current of our passions, our wants, our needs, lost but together, random but rhythmic, anything goes, nothing matters. Oh my, oh my, fuuck. I need her with me, gripping her tight in this world of static, our bodies entwined, our spirit, consciousness as one.
My power, my light, my ocean of untapped energy, I can’t wait to be with you, to lose ourselves in our own oceans, our white noise. Thank you for bringing the world into brilliant, dazzling focus, for putting everything else where it should be, filtered, suppressed, cancelled out. I see only you in the void. Know I’m holding you.
Universe (god), you are the omnipotent white noise of existence, the universal ocean of being, pulling and pushing us on the currents of your infinite sea of fate. Bring her to me or me to her, use your tides, your waves to bring us together. Please, please.